I have to admit that, while I was super excited to meet Abby and her family and take darling photos of them all, I was also just a touch nervous. You see, Abby's boys are almost the EXACT. SAME. AGE. as my own - so I knew just how rambunctious two-year-old boys could be (and how super fun and adorable, as well, of course). I knew he would need a distraction from time to time, a chance to run, and I knew I was going to have to be fast. But I was up for the challenge!
Imagine my delight when I finally met them face-to-face and they were like, carbon copies of my boys. Blonde hair, blue eyes, perfect cheeks and wide smiles. Axton even saw me editing these photos and thought they were pictures of himself and I had to keep telling him, "No, honey that's actually not you, that's Calvin!"
We met at Willow Oak Flower and Herb Garden in Severn, the perfect place for little boys because there was space to run around, bridges to cross, ducks to quack at, and horses to whinny at. I am happy to say I kept up with these four and had a blast doing it, too!
Imagine my delight when I finally met them face-to-face and they were like, carbon copies of my boys. Blonde hair, blue eyes, perfect cheeks and wide smiles. Axton even saw me editing these photos and thought they were pictures of himself and I had to keep telling him, "No, honey that's actually not you, that's Calvin!"
We met at Willow Oak Flower and Herb Garden in Severn, the perfect place for little boys because there was space to run around, bridges to cross, ducks to quack at, and horses to whinny at. I am happy to say I kept up with these four and had a blast doing it, too!

so precious. I think the one of the baby laying on the blanket (b&w) was my favorite. HIS EYES! My goodness :)