Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Our own Family Photos

The last time Adam and I had our photos professionally taken by someone other than myself, the automatic timer, or a friend I had given rushed instructions to, was when we were graduating from college at BYU-Hawaii and I had won a giveaway from the fabulous LeeYen of Loblee Photography. But since then so much has happened! We've moved thousands of miles, had not just one but TWO babies, and we've grown up. We look different and our relationship has evolved. I'm a family photographer - I was overdue for my own family photos!

So I set a time up with fellow photographer Jessica of Bright Eye Boutique. As I mentioned previously, we decided to swap family photos. You can view my photos of her family here.

Putting myself in front of someone else's camera was actually such a pleasant change. I didn't want to think about ANYTHING. I didn't want to think about what I should do with my hands or where the best lighting was or what my settings should be to accommodate my always-moving toddler. I just wanted to be told what to do - and Jessica did great!

This experience was so good for me. It taught and reminded me to have empathy for my own clients! I was self-conscious of the few, still-lingering pounds of baby weight. I sometimes didn't know which way to look or how to smile or where to sit. I got frustrated at my kid for not cooperating - he had fallen asleep on the way to our location and thus woke up grumpy. Here was our first try at a family photo:

My word! Talk about a crankster! But Jessica had a good idea to put him on Dad's back, and she turned his frown upside-down real quick.

Then she allowed my goofy kid to just be himself, and do what he loves to do. Pretend to be an airplane, get tickles from Daddy, find some leaves and just play.

I got some great ideas from her on how to interact with a toddler, and how to chase the grumpies away....And then, because of course it would, it started to rain on us! We had watched the weather all day and it was supposed to hold off until night fall. Jessica gave me the final call, and we decided to still go for it. It honestly didn't bum me out at all that it rained - but it did make me rethink how and when I decide to reschedule my own clients' sessions. I love the photos with the rain in the background the best! My hair got a little wacko but I don't even care!

I'm so happy to have these images! To be able to hang them on my wall (coming soon!) and look at this time of our life and remember how fleeting this phase is! I am constantly reminded just how important photography is to me, and especially photographs of my own family. I can snap and snap all day long, but it's also vital that I get in front of the camera from time to time so my children will know that I lived, too. That I held them and loved them and looked at them with crazy goo-goo eyes and a dimpled smile that they get from me!

1 comment:

  1. Meghan, these are so adorable! Especially good because I haven't seen you in, like, FOREVER! :) I think my favorites are Axton in the air with Adam and you snuggling him in the air. Anyway--cuteness! Love you guys.
