Thursday, April 17, 2014

Kyla & Her Violin - Washington DC Child Portrait Session

We wanted sun. 
We wanted warmth.
We wanted blossoms.

And we got it all. This session could not have happened on a more perfect day. It was crowded, yes, but it didn't matter - we made it work. I rode down to DC with Kyla and her parents and I learned that she picked up quickly on the violin, that she likes to do science experiments, and that she likes to draw. During the session, I learned that she smiles naturally for her daddy, that she can sing, too, and that she is afraid of bees. I learned that she captured my heart quickly and easily! Kyla was such a sweet girl to photograph and I hope I did her big spirit justice with these beautiful photos. 

Kyla's dad carried this chair, dodging the crowds carefully, around the Tidal Basin for me! So glad he did!

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